
Showing posts from May, 2023

Garmin InReach Mini Models – The Best Two-Way Satellite Messaging Device

Garmin has proven its worth in the competitive marketplace with its innovative satellite phones with greater advancements. It has made outdoor activities like traveling and hiking exciting with its two-way satellite messenger device. In most remote areas, where the cell network and Wi-Fi cannot be functional, the Garmin InReach mini model will be the savior. It can be the ultimate solution to get rid of off-grid communication worries. Outstanding Messaging Capabilities of Garmin InReach Mini As it was already mentioned above that the garmin inreach mini is the smartest two-way satellite communicator. With this device, you can both send and receive text messages. Therefore, it has outsmarted the other devices with only sending text message features. Its messaging capability has made it the most popular option in the market. Therefore, this device was found more reliable and flexible for outdoor activities. Moreover, sending a message to an email address or a mobile number will

Get The Right Airtime Service Plan For Your Satellite Phone

When you own a satellite phone, the only thing besides its features and functionality bothers is choosing the airtime service plans. As a user, you must be aware of the top airtime plans available, according to you make the right investment. Here we brought the list of top brands with their airtime. Let’s discuss each of them in detail. Inmarsat Airtime Service Plan The exclusive plan of Inmarsat Airtime offers exclusive plans with IsatPhone, which is its robust mobile satellite phone. It is the simplest and highly affordable way to communicate. The plan is compact and competitively priced, which is suitable for professional users in the industrial field of media, construction sectors, oil and gas, and mining. It is also helpful for people working in unreliable network areas. IsatPhone Prepaid Plans With a prepaid card, validity can be extended with additional voucher units. It requires no activation fee or service contract. The 0 Unit and 30 Day Extension comes at $60

Satellite Tracker Vs. Cellular Tracker| Why Is Satellite Tracker Best?

The necessity of tracking devices in industrial sectors and outdoor activities has become essential. From cargo safety to navigation monitoring, everything has become reliable with satellite trackers . On the other hand, cellular trackers only work in specific geographic locations due to their limited network coverage. In many ways, the satellite tracker has been considered best compared to the cellular network. Major Differences Between Satellite Tracker and Cellular Tracker Satellite tracker phones are expensive, while cellular phones are affordable. Whether for limited basis usage or long term, you can rent a satellite tracking device . So, you don’t have to invest in buying it. Many service providers offer the trackers in rental plans, which is a cost-effective solution. Another important purpose of a satellite phone is that it can be used in emergencies where cellular phones are not functional. For example, while trekking or hiking, when you have no other option to keep in to

How To Choose The Right Satellite Phone Airtime Plan?

The users need to keep in mind various things while selecting the airtime service provider for satellite phones. The satellite phone airtime will vary based on different factors. The users have to consider their requirements before investing in a plan. The users must choose between a Prepaid airtime sim card or a monthly service agreement, paying the monthly service charge. Here, we brought you various scenarios to help you choose the right airtime plan. Why are prepaid plans more popular than monthly plans? Prepaid satellite phone airtime plans are quite popular because the users don’t have to consider signing up for airtime contracts. Most users don’t prefer to sign contracts for a period of time. This is why prepaid plans have become the best choice among monthly plans. There are also other specific reasons which make prepaid plans the best options for satellite phones. One-time fee with prepaid airtime With prepaid airtime sim cards, you will pay a one-time fee for an airtim