Travelers will Enjoy the Garmin Inreach Mini Rental's Coverage

The Garmin inReach Mini rental is the ideal solution for people looking to get off-grid or for lone workers operating remotely in isolated areas as it has global coverage and can trigger SOS alerts to nearby emergency centres should a life-threatening situation arise. It is the global coverage provided by the truly global network, Iridium, that makes the Garmin inReach Mini rental option ideal for travelling.

A Garmin inReach Mini for Rent

We can cater for any rental option whether it’s long or short-term. All we need from you is the start and end date of your rental period, and we can make sure your rental inReach Mini is with you ahead of departure so you can get to grips with how it works.

Renting is a much more cost-effective way of making use of some of the industry’s most powerful satellite devices. There’s no deposit needed and you don’t need to commit to the recommended retail price – simply pay for the time you need the device for.

The inReach Mini Rental Key Features

Staying in touch while travelling around the world, no matter how remote your location, has been made easy thanks to the wealth of features packed into the Garmin inReach Mini. Interactive SOS alerts mean you can communicate with the emergency responders as they make their way to your location, while location sharing allows you to ping your coordinates to those back home.

Key Features Include:

Two-Way Global Messaging

Interactive SOS Alerts

Location Sharing

100% Global Iridium Satellite Network

inReach Weather Forecast Service

Coverage Area

The Iridium satellite network is truly global, meaning no matter where you are travelling in the world, including polar regions, there will always be a response at the end of your button press. Thanks to the 66 Iridium LEO satellites orbiting in a mesh system above the earth, connectivity levels will remain reliable wherever you are.


Taking a Garmin inReach Mini Rental device with you while traveling as a short-to-medium term satellite connectivity solution is a great idea and will go towards offering significant peace of mind due to its global connectivity capabilities. It will keep you reliably and consistently connected to nearby emergency response centres should something catastrophic happen. Equally, it allows those you have left behind to track your progress or location via its location-sharing functionality.


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